The Dead Sisters

Sunflower and the Dead Sisters #56-58

I noticed I haven’t updated this site in a while — I’ve been busy, but still drawing comics.  I’ve recently purchased an iPad Pro to do my work instead of a Surface Pro and it took some time to adjust to the new environment.  Also my duties in my 9 to 5 changed as well, so updating this site took a back seat unfortunately.

Three new Dead Sisters went up at the Sunflower site.


Introduces a new character, I named her Star in a file for some reason.  I don’t know if that’s the name I’ll keep because humans in the series have their own naming convention. But it was good to draw a new character, I like drawing new faces.


Mari finally makes it back to the bar where Lily and Iris are. Getting Mari back to the bar took a long time. It’s weird how this maybe takes twenty minutes in comic time but two years to draw it.  I just noticed Mari is missing her necklace in the last panel. I always forget those necklaces.


I adlib a lot of the dialogue; I draw it before I write it.  I think this makes it sound more spontaneous, but it may just make it more awkward.  But I want to give more dialogue to Iris and Lily because we know so little about these characters.



The Dead Sisters #59-68
Sunflower and the Dead Sisters #53 and 54
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