You can skip my commentary and go right to the full comic here. Finished! I’m really happy to have a second completed comic on this site — it’s a rare event I complete anything so it feels good to put this aside. I am desperately trying to avoid starting work on “The Morning After” and make this […]
Later That Night
Later That Night Page 7
You can skip my commentary and go right to the full comic here. This is the 7th of 8 pages (as I write this I’m over half-finished the 8th page) and it’s time for Wren to get her two cents into this proceedings. I thought of a few Bauhaus songs to use on this page but […]
Later That Night Page 5
You can skip my commentary and go right to the full comic here. This is the continuation of Raven’s monologue. The question I am asking here I think is “Isn’t this a kind of assault ?” Raven doesn’t say no but she doesn’t feel she has the power to say “No.” If she says no things […]
Later That Night Page 4
You can skip my commentary and go right to the full comic here. This is the page that begins Raven’s monologue and I had this written pretty much during the scene in Strawberry Memory where Raven and Wren are at the bar. I couldn’t use it then — it was too long and it would […]
Later That Night Page 3
You can skip my commentary and go right to the full comic here. Panels 2 and 4 look like copy and paste panels but they aren’t. The neat thing about going digital is I can use my inked work as a pencil layer and get panels looking relatively the same. I do think copy and […]
Later That Night Pages 1-2
You can skip my commentary and go right to the comic here. When I was working on Strawberry Memory, there was a lot of dialogue I was constantly making and throwing away, lots of subplots I had in my head but eventually had to toss off to keep the story going straight towards the destination […]