Commentary from January 1, 2023
t’s been a while since we have seen Dove and she is busy trying to create. I know I drew this and it goes without saying but I totally relate to this — the amount of mental energy required to form ideas often takes away from the mental energy needed to actually sit down and do the thing the idea was necessary for. It was especially true for depcom as of late which is why i took the break after #500. Anyways, good to have you back, Dove.
Fortunately for me if I write down my idea in my blog, I’ve done it and posted my blog post.
Hooboy. That… is a *mood.*
…and if my increasingly bloated archive of notes and scribbles for projects I should’ve finished ten years ago is anything to go by, it’s a mood that visits often and stays long.
OMG… I feel this a bit too deeply
Ugh, I feel that one. So many projects…. Your comics are always so well done, thank you for sharing them with us. I hope you have a safe and peaceful end of the year, and that we can all tell the critical voices in our heads to fuck right off in 2023. (I mean, they won’t, but at least it’s satisfying to tell them to.)
I feel this to my core. She’s doing better than me though – at least she’s able to force herself to sit down and come up with an idea…