Commentary from November 14, 2022
One of my favorite characters to draw is back in depcom and it was good to have a solid idea for it. The bland life. There is actual evidence that people who suffer from depression enjoy things less, see colours less intensely, foods don’t have such a strong taste, etc. I know things just really hit me less and I’m feeling more disassociated with the world around me. The bland life.
FML says
I feel this one hard.
Dana W says
Going through that again just now………..
Nat Ford says
Oh so bland.
C. says
Yes. Nothing is appealing, nothing is interesting, and you don’t have the energy to do anything even if you could find something appealing and interesting. It sucks.
Opus the Poet says
I think this might be what happened to my wife losing her sense of taste. She blames it on COVID, but she never displayed any symptoms besides losing her sense of taste, and she was vaxxed and boosted.