I do understand that pestering people about a choice involving themselves and themselves only is hypocritical coming from the (I assume) right-wing guy, but I don’t think the male Karen is the biggest threat regarding your civic, economic and political rights at the moment.
I appreciate the witty reply (as do others), but the comic -has- a political undertone, and it -does- concern ”civic, economic and political rights”. The mask -is- political.
Taking precautions against COVID-19 has only become political because certain politicians have put their own ambitions ahead of public health and safety. They have openly admitted that they will oppose whatever their political opponents propose whether or not it is in the best interests of the country or its people. When one party very sensibly tries to protect the people from a deadly virus, the other automatically promotes the spread of the virus. It’s insane.
A lot of politicians seem to feel the need to play the John Cleese character in the Argument Sketch, simply opposing for the sake of opposing. You have to wonder how many people have died because they treated it like a political issue instead of the health issue it really is.
Ok, look, I do understand that the mask prevents many people from violently choking to death at the hospital, but it’s still not ”not political”.
It -is- a political.
It’s political the moment it becomes a mandatory policy. Now, is it mandatory for the public good? Yes.
Yes it is. However, anything done for the public good can be used as a launching pad for an aggressive power creep, and this is precisely what happened during the COVID crisis.
You talk of politicians who don’t care about the public good. Have you considered for a moment those politicians may be less Rand Paul-ish and more Fauci-ish in their exercice of power?
Both, as far as I’m concerned, are hellbent on serving friends and growing their base at the expense of everything else.
LOLing at the idea that telling people to wear face masks serves some kind of power grab.
Not a power grab and not political? Look at the reply by jackmarten, “some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures””
Disgusting. Wishing for a disease to “purge the right creatures.” They are not even human to you people anymore. They are creatures. And how dare these “creatures” tell you not to be afraid of a disease that has less chance to kill you than a drive to the grocery store?! How dare they suggest that you are giving in to fear and giving up basic rights you should be cherishing like body autonomy because of fear?! How dare they?!
Masks are useless, as the infection rates in the states with the highest masking rates have proven. As a study out of Denmark, no matter how they try to spin it, has proven. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 At best masks reduced infection rates as much as washing hands; at worst it increased infection rates.
Masks are political. They are power grabs. They are a way for cowards to attempt to signal how virtuous they think they are, and a way for them to look down at people who don’t wear them as somehow being less safe and less caring.
Whatever, as someone who has had continuous depression for more years of their life than not, I find your comic to be puerile, and your beliefs to be childish. Sad that it somehow wound up in the library of congress.
I did my initial reply on my cell phone but decided this required a more detailed reply as I do not like having misinformation on my site.
>Not a power grab and not political? Look at the reply by jackmarten, “some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures””
What’s the connection between a “power grab” and an opinion written by someone? I doubt they themselves feel that way, and sometimes people write with obvious hyperbole. I myself don’t wish COVID on anyone.
>Disgusting. Wishing for a disease to “purge the right creatures.” They are not even human to you people anymore. They are creatures. And how dare these “creatures” tell you not to be afraid of a disease that has less chance to kill you than a drive to the grocery store?! How dare they suggest that you are giving in to fear and giving up basic rights you should be cherishing like body autonomy because of fear?! How dare they?!
What the fuck dude. Do you have a one in 250 chance of being killed driving to the grocery store? Where do you live??
> Masks are useless, as the infection rates in the states with the highest masking rates have proven.
>As a study out of Denmark, no matter how they try to spin it, has proven. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 At best masks reduced infection rates as much as washing hands; at worst it increased infection rates.
Have you even read that article? It says masks have reduced effectiveness in places where mask use is *uncommon*. “The findings, however, should not be used to conclude that a recommendation for everyone to wear masks in the community would not be effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections, because the trial did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection. During the study period, authorities did not recommend face mask use outside hospital settings and mask use was rare in community settings. This means that study participants’ exposure was overwhelmingly to persons not wearing masks.”. They essentially say in the article NOT to come to the conclusion you did.
> Masks are political. They are power grabs. They are a way for cowards to attempt to signal how virtuous they think they are, and a way for them to look down at people who don’t wear them as somehow being less safe and less caring.
That is definitely a weird spin on that. Yes, there is a world wide conspiracy for leaders around the world to make people wear masks to feel good about themselves. You have to be really hateful to think that.
> Whatever, as someone who has had continuous depression for more years of their life than not, I find your comic to be puerile, and your beliefs to be childish. Sad that it somehow wound up in the library of congress.
Yet here you are. Thanks for the traffic!
Thank you again Clay for your beautiful and sensitive work. It’s mind-blowing that someone would respond as the have elsewhere in this forum, but you’ve presented this well and I’ve seen that mentality even here in Canada. I just hope that we can get far enough along despite that, so we can get control over this virus before it evolves too much further. It’s unfortunate for them to be so desperate to be “right” that they’re striving for a HermanCainAward. If this goes on for much longer, I feel like between the environment and disease they’ll be nominating our entire species for one.
DAMNIT. Sorry Clay. This was supposed to be a new comment, not a reply. 🤦♂️
See Jim Jeffries and Gun Control. The only reason the mask mandate is political is because a bunch of pansies are having a tantrum. “I don’t wanna, you can’t make me.” Yeah, no one has been making you. There’s plenty of ways to keep living your life without being a walking death breather, but if you’re going to interact with *other* people, then COVID (the **enemy**) requires that you either mask up, so you don’t kill ‘thy neighbor’. Even your oh so precious guns have a bloody safety.
some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures” Robin is right you don’t only follow the laws, but also you have your own free will and the choice to do what you desire to do, BESIDES what if you are wearing a mask because you have allergies toward other stuff? dust? smoke? HUMANS’ IDIOCY?! what if you have acne, or a seasonal allergy? cold? what if you are simply DEPRESSED and you feel safer if people can’t see your face as a shield? thank you Clay …
sometimes i wonder… must the whole world end up just like india for the humans to understand the importance of following safety measures? main stream media keeps advocating for lunacy, and law abiding people are attacked .. welcome to clown world ..
I gotta wonder how many people chanting about their FREEEEEEDOMMMMMMM to exhale germy air at other people would not even have been born if multiple sets of great-great-grandparents had not been careful as well as lucky during the Spanish Flu pandemic.
I’ve been verbally assaulted for still masking several times. I feel this on too personal a level. For almost three years, it was a barrier between me and stupidity, an excuse not to smile, not to play nice, an excuse not to do anything I didn’t want to. I had a protective barrier between me and “You’d look nicer if you’d smile!” Then it was “sheep,” then other insults, interspersed with swearing, name calling, threats… it’s just a mask. I had Covid. I was so sick. I bought it home to my parents. My Dad almost got assaulted for wearing his and the cops were called. Why is a tiny piece of cloth on my face such an offense to you. We lost something else in Covid: common decency. I don’t want to feel like I can’t breathe again. Why is that so wrong. I’m still coughing three years later. I’m tired.
Exactly this!
Clay, you stated it perfectly. Thank you!
I do understand that pestering people about a choice involving themselves and themselves only is hypocritical coming from the (I assume) right-wing guy, but I don’t think the male Karen is the biggest threat regarding your civic, economic and political rights at the moment.
Thank you for your comment about a comic that’s not about civic, economic, or political rights.
I appreciate the witty reply (as do others), but the comic -has- a political undertone, and it -does- concern ”civic, economic and political rights”. The mask -is- political.
Taking precautions against COVID-19 has only become political because certain politicians have put their own ambitions ahead of public health and safety. They have openly admitted that they will oppose whatever their political opponents propose whether or not it is in the best interests of the country or its people. When one party very sensibly tries to protect the people from a deadly virus, the other automatically promotes the spread of the virus. It’s insane.
A lot of politicians seem to feel the need to play the John Cleese character in the Argument Sketch, simply opposing for the sake of opposing. You have to wonder how many people have died because they treated it like a political issue instead of the health issue it really is.
Ok, look, I do understand that the mask prevents many people from violently choking to death at the hospital, but it’s still not ”not political”.
It -is- a political.
It’s political the moment it becomes a mandatory policy. Now, is it mandatory for the public good? Yes.
Yes it is. However, anything done for the public good can be used as a launching pad for an aggressive power creep, and this is precisely what happened during the COVID crisis.
You talk of politicians who don’t care about the public good. Have you considered for a moment those politicians may be less Rand Paul-ish and more Fauci-ish in their exercice of power?
Both, as far as I’m concerned, are hellbent on serving friends and growing their base at the expense of everything else.
a political issue.*
LOLing at the idea that telling people to wear face masks serves some kind of power grab.
Not a power grab and not political? Look at the reply by jackmarten, “some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures””
Disgusting. Wishing for a disease to “purge the right creatures.” They are not even human to you people anymore. They are creatures. And how dare these “creatures” tell you not to be afraid of a disease that has less chance to kill you than a drive to the grocery store?! How dare they suggest that you are giving in to fear and giving up basic rights you should be cherishing like body autonomy because of fear?! How dare they?!
Masks are useless, as the infection rates in the states with the highest masking rates have proven. As a study out of Denmark, no matter how they try to spin it, has proven. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 At best masks reduced infection rates as much as washing hands; at worst it increased infection rates.
Masks are political. They are power grabs. They are a way for cowards to attempt to signal how virtuous they think they are, and a way for them to look down at people who don’t wear them as somehow being less safe and less caring.
Whatever, as someone who has had continuous depression for more years of their life than not, I find your comic to be puerile, and your beliefs to be childish. Sad that it somehow wound up in the library of congress.
I did my initial reply on my cell phone but decided this required a more detailed reply as I do not like having misinformation on my site.
>Not a power grab and not political? Look at the reply by jackmarten, “some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures””
What’s the connection between a “power grab” and an opinion written by someone? I doubt they themselves feel that way, and sometimes people write with obvious hyperbole. I myself don’t wish COVID on anyone.
>Disgusting. Wishing for a disease to “purge the right creatures.” They are not even human to you people anymore. They are creatures. And how dare these “creatures” tell you not to be afraid of a disease that has less chance to kill you than a drive to the grocery store?! How dare they suggest that you are giving in to fear and giving up basic rights you should be cherishing like body autonomy because of fear?! How dare they?!
What the fuck dude. Do you have a one in 250 chance of being killed driving to the grocery store? Where do you live??
> Masks are useless, as the infection rates in the states with the highest masking rates have proven.
Uhhh … you’re wrong. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0249891
>As a study out of Denmark, no matter how they try to spin it, has proven. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 At best masks reduced infection rates as much as washing hands; at worst it increased infection rates.
Have you even read that article? It says masks have reduced effectiveness in places where mask use is *uncommon*. “The findings, however, should not be used to conclude that a recommendation for everyone to wear masks in the community would not be effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections, because the trial did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection. During the study period, authorities did not recommend face mask use outside hospital settings and mask use was rare in community settings. This means that study participants’ exposure was overwhelmingly to persons not wearing masks.”. They essentially say in the article NOT to come to the conclusion you did.
> Masks are political. They are power grabs. They are a way for cowards to attempt to signal how virtuous they think they are, and a way for them to look down at people who don’t wear them as somehow being less safe and less caring.
That is definitely a weird spin on that. Yes, there is a world wide conspiracy for leaders around the world to make people wear masks to feel good about themselves. You have to be really hateful to think that.
> Whatever, as someone who has had continuous depression for more years of their life than not, I find your comic to be puerile, and your beliefs to be childish. Sad that it somehow wound up in the library of congress.
Yet here you are. Thanks for the traffic!
Thank you again Clay for your beautiful and sensitive work. It’s mind-blowing that someone would respond as the have elsewhere in this forum, but you’ve presented this well and I’ve seen that mentality even here in Canada. I just hope that we can get far enough along despite that, so we can get control over this virus before it evolves too much further. It’s unfortunate for them to be so desperate to be “right” that they’re striving for a HermanCainAward. If this goes on for much longer, I feel like between the environment and disease they’ll be nominating our entire species for one.
DAMNIT. Sorry Clay. This was supposed to be a new comment, not a reply. 🤦♂️
See Jim Jeffries and Gun Control. The only reason the mask mandate is political is because a bunch of pansies are having a tantrum. “I don’t wanna, you can’t make me.” Yeah, no one has been making you. There’s plenty of ways to keep living your life without being a walking death breather, but if you’re going to interact with *other* people, then COVID (the **enemy**) requires that you either mask up, so you don’t kill ‘thy neighbor’. Even your oh so precious guns have a bloody safety.
It’s only political if you really want it to be political. For the rest of us, it’s a health issue, not a political issue.
some times i wonder, if covid is purging the right “creatures” Robin is right you don’t only follow the laws, but also you have your own free will and the choice to do what you desire to do, BESIDES what if you are wearing a mask because you have allergies toward other stuff? dust? smoke? HUMANS’ IDIOCY?! what if you have acne, or a seasonal allergy? cold? what if you are simply DEPRESSED and you feel safer if people can’t see your face as a shield?
thank you Clay …
sometimes i wonder… must the whole world end up just like india for the humans to understand the importance of following safety measures?
main stream media keeps advocating for lunacy, and law abiding people are attacked .. welcome to clown world ..
I gotta wonder how many people chanting about their FREEEEEEDOMMMMMMM to exhale germy air at other people would not even have been born if multiple sets of great-great-grandparents had not been careful as well as lucky during the Spanish Flu pandemic.
Nobody wants yer snot. Put a mask on.
I’ve been verbally assaulted for still masking several times. I feel this on too personal a level. For almost three years, it was a barrier between me and stupidity, an excuse not to smile, not to play nice, an excuse not to do anything I didn’t want to. I had a protective barrier between me and “You’d look nicer if you’d smile!” Then it was “sheep,” then other insults, interspersed with swearing, name calling, threats… it’s just a mask. I had Covid. I was so sick. I bought it home to my parents. My Dad almost got assaulted for wearing his and the cops were called. Why is a tiny piece of cloth on my face such an offense to you. We lost something else in Covid: common decency. I don’t want to feel like I can’t breathe again. Why is that so wrong. I’m still coughing three years later. I’m tired.