Commentary from January 24, 2021
I drew this at the dawn of the New Year, in the first few days of January. This was a time of general uneasiness, and it really shows in the comic. Usually I draw more cautiously optimistic comics at the beginning of the year but rarely do I just let the negativity hang out with this one. I posted this for some Patreon supporters and bang, January 6th happened. It didn’t take long for 2021 to become a shit show.
I hadn’t drawn Jay in quite a while. She was **supposed** to be a regular, but somehow she slipped off the radar because I was planning to do another “Strawberry Memory” type with her and Robin. So over a hundred strips later, she makes a reappearance. She has had financial success in the meantime — she is in a room overlooking the sunrise on the water. I haven’t drawn her in quite some time so it feels a bit off, but it’s been over three years. Sorry Jay!!
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Iae says
“The only truly malignant evil is Hope.”
Lu says
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
–Friedrich Nietzsche
Opus the Poet says
Hope is the worst. I just celebrate when good things happen, and shed a quiet, or Not-So-Quiet tear over the bad things. Quiet is for things that can’t be changed like a natural disaster, Not-So-Quiet is for things that can be changed if we make enough noise about it.
Jean-François Montigny says
2021 is just 2020 2: electric boogaloo.
Arina Lynn Grace says
Kate Phillips says
Is that crosshatch background done with a brush or by hand? It looks very lovely.
jackmarten says
do not worry, it will not be different at all, time can’t heal everything, years after year, it’s always the same, just some numbers change, same shit, different shit, everything is always shit.
nothing will change, nothing will matter. it’s just all an illusion.
just another illusion to make our race forget for a bit about the hell we .. for no real reason keep surviving in. it’s literally a closed circle.
and nobody wants to change it.
Daga says
Jay has freckles? Robin has a type
Guest says
If by soon it means right off the bat and already happened? Yes
Brad Hart says
Maybe she just needs a bit of positive thinking? That always cheers me up!