It can be hard to move past it sometimes. Especially if the person with depression became emotionally abusive (though the person in my experience had more than just depression). They recently mentioned that they weren’t that person any more as well, and alluded to finally being the person they used to be again. I’m glad they’ve found their way out the other side, but after suffering 10 years of sporadic abuse from this person it’ll be a while before interacting with them doesn’t bring up anxiety issues of my own.
THANK YOU for saying this! I’m feeling so much guilt and disorientation over being angry and hurt by my mother’s behaviour, even though I know that she never actually intends to hurt me and that it’s just due to some (undiagnosed, thus unspecified) mental health issue or (probably) neurodiversity thing. Like, I KNOW she doesn’t mean ill, but could someone please acknowledge that it still hurts just as much?
I went 40 years with untreated PTSD, mainly because 40 years ago they hadn’t defined PTSD much less knew kids could get it from moving around too much. I was not a nice person back then, I don’t know how they hell I managed to get married.
This comment became super messy because I’m tired and emotional so i’ll edit it tomorrow(before you think I’m crazy or something). Maybe it doesn’t fit the post and it’s almost three years old anyway so maybe I shouldn’t bother but I can remove it later I guess
This post is relatable for me but not in the way it was meant to be. I haven’t really pushed people away b/c of depression(yet) but the way these guys both look and act reminds me of how there’s lots of people(guy on the right) that do well in life, make respectable choices, are social and well liked, have integrity and as a result are generally respected by everyone(including myself.) Sometimes these people tell me I’m doing something wrong and while often that’s just something to learn from, sometimes they call me out for doing something morally wrong or any otherwise unrespectable actions of mine. That sort of thing just makes me feel totally helplessly alone because I know anyone would agree with them and there’s no voice telling me I at least did it with good intentions or anything.
More concise: it feels terrible to not be respected by people that are generally well respected.(and know that you deserve it.) Not really the point of the comic but something I sometimes striggle with I guess
Makes me think of Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). Good series if you’ve never heard of it.
Fantastic series!
I agree!!
Clay, stop watching me. Another one, spot-on.
It can be hard to move past it sometimes. Especially if the person with depression became emotionally abusive (though the person in my experience had more than just depression). They recently mentioned that they weren’t that person any more as well, and alluded to finally being the person they used to be again. I’m glad they’ve found their way out the other side, but after suffering 10 years of sporadic abuse from this person it’ll be a while before interacting with them doesn’t bring up anxiety issues of my own.
Yeah. Unfortunately knowing the other person had issues does nothing for the pain one feels.
THANK YOU for saying this! I’m feeling so much guilt and disorientation over being angry and hurt by my mother’s behaviour, even though I know that she never actually intends to hurt me and that it’s just due to some (undiagnosed, thus unspecified) mental health issue or (probably) neurodiversity thing. Like, I KNOW she doesn’t mean ill, but could someone please acknowledge that it still hurts just as much?
This one really hits a nerve for me…
I went 40 years with untreated PTSD, mainly because 40 years ago they hadn’t defined PTSD much less knew kids could get it from moving around too much. I was not a nice person back then, I don’t know how they hell I managed to get married.
This comment became super messy because I’m tired and emotional so i’ll edit it tomorrow(before you think I’m crazy or something). Maybe it doesn’t fit the post and it’s almost three years old anyway so maybe I shouldn’t bother but I can remove it later I guess
This post is relatable for me but not in the way it was meant to be. I haven’t really pushed people away b/c of depression(yet) but the way these guys both look and act reminds me of how there’s lots of people(guy on the right) that do well in life, make respectable choices, are social and well liked, have integrity and as a result are generally respected by everyone(including myself.) Sometimes these people tell me I’m doing something wrong and while often that’s just something to learn from, sometimes they call me out for doing something morally wrong or any otherwise unrespectable actions of mine. That sort of thing just makes me feel totally helplessly alone because I know anyone would agree with them and there’s no voice telling me I at least did it with good intentions or anything.
More concise: it feels terrible to not be respected by people that are generally well respected.(and know that you deserve it.) Not really the point of the comic but something I sometimes striggle with I guess