That is the problem with ED. It isn’t. About vanity it is about low self esteem, shame, self hate, not feeling connected to your body. Having no love for yourself. Not being able to self validate. So It must be the way I look to be accepted or loved not only by the outside world but by the inside. What is wrong with me. It is vicious. Unforgiving.
Speaking only for myself, having the social naivete component of autism makes me unaware of others’ opinions of me. (Lucky me?) What freaks me out is not that I won’t fit a societal ideal, but that the effects of my inner goings-on might be visible. And of course, if they’re visible, I will cause the Earth to explode or something because I don’t have my act 100% together. Then, more bad eating choices, then more worry, then more bad eating choices…
ummm society … clothes are supposed to cover your body correct? they are not made to show your body nude while you are wearing them as if you are prostituting yourself right? why do women always want the smallest possible sizes instead of the comfortable sizes? clothes should cover and protect, if you want to show off go to a nudist beach. size 00? why would anyone need that?
Oh Society, a total downer. Where’s Wren when you need her?
There’s no winning the (body) shame game.
The social mirror is always distorted.
That is the problem with ED. It isn’t. About vanity it is about low self esteem, shame, self hate, not feeling connected to your body. Having no love for yourself. Not being able to self validate. So It must be the way I look to be accepted or loved not only by the outside world but by the inside. What is wrong with me. It is vicious. Unforgiving.
Speaking only for myself, having the social naivete component of autism makes me unaware of others’ opinions of me. (Lucky me?) What freaks me out is not that I won’t fit a societal ideal, but that the effects of my inner goings-on might be visible. And of course, if they’re visible, I will cause the Earth to explode or something because I don’t have my act 100% together. Then, more bad eating choices, then more worry, then more bad eating choices…
ummm society … clothes are supposed to cover your body correct? they are not made to show your body nude while you are wearing them as if you are prostituting yourself right? why do women always want the smallest possible sizes instead of the comfortable sizes? clothes should cover and protect, if you want to show off go to a nudist beach. size 00? why would anyone need that?