The morning goes like this: Come on, we can do this. Just get up. Or roll onto the floor. That’s a start. So that’s the limit if movement? Come on, one… Two… Three! So we’re still here. And we’re running late. Fab.
I used to go down, late at night, To the deepest part of the basement And sit alone, in the dark, on the cold concrete floor Trying to choose the best way To end my life.
the bedroom floor is not enough for me. i have to lock myself in the bathroom in the dark, sit under the sink and drink vodka and self-harm until i can’t stand it anymore.
I’m so glad to see that I am not the only person who does this!
wish my boobs looked as good as hers when im laying around in misery
Hannah Belle Lecter, such are the perks of being a comic strip character!
No pun intended. 😛
Floor nest FTW.
(aka the laundry pile)
The morning goes like this:
Come on, we can do this. Just get up.
Or roll onto the floor. That’s a start.
So that’s the limit if movement? Come on, one… Two… Three!
So we’re still here. And we’re running late. Fab.
My boobs look as good as hers in my head. That’s all that really counts. 🙂
Worn the bloody t-shirt 😀
I used to go down, late at night,
To the deepest part of the basement
And sit alone, in the dark, on the cold concrete floor
Trying to choose the best way
To end my life.
Now I’m very glad I never made that decision.
why are people talking about breasts?
the bedroom floor is not enough for me. i have to lock myself in the bathroom in the dark, sit under the sink and drink vodka and self-harm until i can’t stand it anymore.
I don’t know about the breast thing. It started on Facebook.
I hope you don’t have too many days like that 🙁
For me, its as though my arms are denser and heavier than uranium.
Little known fact via @depressioncomix
Phillip, o que te falei sobre o chão.
210 via @depressioncomix
izgleda da sam dobila odgovor zašto volim sedenje na podu
Pozdrav, sapatniče.
i can relate a bit i used to sit alot on the floor for a few years