Commentary from March 11, 2014
This is a sequel to depression comix #10 except in that strip it’s internal dialogue and in this it is external dialogue. I still suffer from this quite a bit and it makes it difficult to do this comic sometimes, especially after a popular strip. It also makes it difficult to promote myself or try to earn an income from doing comics.
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So me.
Allllll of this. I’m working on it though.
i literally just read about impostor syndrome yesterday, it scared me.
ugh I hate that this is me. I had a colleague tell me that if she was a principal, she’d hire me in a heartbeat… and I thought “she’s just being nice and trying to make me feel good.”
yay, low self-esteem… 🙁
I did not know that Impostor Syndrome was a thing until this comic. Always interesting to put a name and research to the condition.
And still, I cannot bring myself to think differently about my achievements…
i thought that’s how every sensible person thinks
I’ve never heard of it either, Dillon. It’s something I’ve done all my life, though. for more information.
Truly amazing, I never knew this was “a thing” til reading this comic and the above Wikipedia link. Which says that treatment is to recognize that it’s going on? I’ve identified with a lot of things in this comic, but this one I might actually be able to fix. Thanks!
This is amazing. This is a key to so much self-sabotage in my life. Thank you. I am 64 – anyone reading this, learn to accept yourself. I still struggle, depending on the day and my circumstances, yet I have accomplished much. My favorite quote, from Samuel Beckett: “You must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.” Do.
175 via @depressioncomix
Or you start to suspect if the person was being sarcastic…