Wow it’s a scary thought that some people, parents or otherwise, can say these very hurtful things and yet not realise how much emotional damage they are doing.
My family does this constantly to me. “Oh you’re so pretty! If only you could lose just 5/10/20 pounds you would be so gorgeous!”. They buy me the “slimming” underwear and corset thingies. Of course, this extends far beyond just my weight but I’m used to it. I just wish they’d lay off.
Thank you so much for this – it feels like somebody finally sees my mother and the insanity it brings. 32 years old and I still hear her criticizing every part of me when I look in the mirror.
Being as I live in Japan, i only get the ads targeted to people in Japan, and it’s very difficult to confirm which ads Google sends to various places in the world. I apologize if ads are sent which are offensive or insensitive, and if anyone comes across any, please send me the URL of the ad and I will block it myself. Thank you.
this is very accurate. Since I was 7 or 8, little comments pushed me to an eating disorder and that encourages my depression even more because I avoid people (social situations usually involve food).
I was a picky eater as a child, got taken to the doctor because I was too thin, bulked out as a teenager, went dangerously thin in my twenties, obese in my thirties and now bona-fide ED in my forties. No matter what, people have always commented on my weight and physique. I wish they’d stop. Why is it such a big deal? I’ve tried to seek help for it but, being male, you’re simply not taken seriously.
Reminds me of my dad and older brother. Their words still haunt me, and now when I get a complement even if it is from my mom it makes me feel like they are lying and being malicious. I told them, words hurt but they still pelted me with them in the beginning, and now its worse and they act like nothing ever happened
[…] struggled with bulimia most of my adult life. After years of negative messages from my mom about my weight, I started restricting food intake around age 14/15 but didn’t […]
Reminds me a bit of my mother…
Reminds me a lot of my mother. Thanks for this! It feels good to relate to someone!!
Wow it’s a scary thought that some people, parents or otherwise, can say these very hurtful things and yet not realise how much emotional damage they are doing.
My family does this constantly to me. “Oh you’re so pretty! If only you could lose just 5/10/20 pounds you would be so gorgeous!”. They buy me the “slimming” underwear and corset thingies. Of course, this extends far beyond just my weight but I’m used to it. I just wish they’d lay off.
Thank you so much for this – it feels like somebody finally sees my mother and the insanity it brings. 32 years old and I still hear her criticizing every part of me when I look in the mirror.
And this had an ad for weight loss tips from Google. Neat-o.
Being as I live in Japan, i only get the ads targeted to people in Japan, and it’s very difficult to confirm which ads Google sends to various places in the world. I apologize if ads are sent which are offensive or insensitive, and if anyone comes across any, please send me the URL of the ad and I will block it myself. Thank you.
Reminds me of the time I was hanging out at a self-harm forum and there were ads for razors… Yeah..
TW ED please
This reminds me of my grandmother. Wait, she still does it.
this is very accurate. Since I was 7 or 8, little comments pushed me to an eating disorder and that encourages my depression even more because I avoid people (social situations usually involve food).
eating disorder cw///
Literally my life via @depressioncomix
This is so typical. Most people don’t think about what they say. That’s the problem
I was a picky eater as a child, got taken to the doctor because I was too thin, bulked out as a teenager, went dangerously thin in my twenties, obese in my thirties and now bona-fide ED in my forties. No matter what, people have always commented on my weight and physique. I wish they’d stop. Why is it such a big deal? I’ve tried to seek help for it but, being male, you’re simply not taken seriously.
My mother told me that I was too fat on her deathbed. I’ve lost so much now and she’ll never see it.
So true. Damn, mom.
Reminds me of my dad and older brother. Their words still haunt me, and now when I get a complement even if it is from my mom it makes me feel like they are lying and being malicious. I told them, words hurt but they still pelted me with them in the beginning, and now its worse and they act like nothing ever happened
reminds me of every time people called me chubby and a walking pig ..