Generally “We need to talk” begins a discussion of something not very good for the listener, in the context of a relationship, breakup is possible. As Seinfeld once said, “The four most dangerous words in the English language”
The only thing I find confusing about this one is that it seems he did a one night stand, woke up and “needed to talk” with this girl…but it’s unclear if he was in a relationship with her and some time had passed and then they had to talk or if this one night stand was the thing they needed to talk about, which is confusing by itself because if that’s the case, why would it put him into that much of a funk if he was only in it to do what his friend said which was “to get laid”. Unless, of course, I’m looking at this wrong and it’s upsetting him because he wanted it to turn into a relationship…or he didn’t want to talk about it? Or, is this more of a “sex can mean a lot more to a person with emotions along these lines” type of message? Because I can get that and I actually commend you either way that this was meant to be taken because it was a guy in this situation, not a girl, and I feel that the emotional part of this is usually based around a female.
Sorry for the lengthiness… And I quite like your Seinfeld reference above (or below, depending on where this posts to, lol).
Nothing that complicated, just trying to show that relationships cannot fix the problem of depression by themselves, and will often settle into an unfulfilling situation if this basic fact isn’t acknowledged. I myself went through a string of relationships before I figured this out.
I think I figured this one out pretty early. I’m nearing 30 years old and have only had one relationship in my life. I’ve dated plenty, but I always realize before it goes anywhere that I’m too neurotic to add relationship stress into the mix. Which is also likely my own self-sabotage, making sure I’ll die alone… *sigh*
“We need to talk”? What does that imply? What does she need to talk about?
Generally “We need to talk” begins a discussion of something not very good for the listener, in the context of a relationship, breakup is possible. As Seinfeld once said, “The four most dangerous words in the English language”
The only thing I find confusing about this one is that it seems he did a one night stand, woke up and “needed to talk” with this girl…but it’s unclear if he was in a relationship with her and some time had passed and then they had to talk or if this one night stand was the thing they needed to talk about, which is confusing by itself because if that’s the case, why would it put him into that much of a funk if he was only in it to do what his friend said which was “to get laid”. Unless, of course, I’m looking at this wrong and it’s upsetting him because he wanted it to turn into a relationship…or he didn’t want to talk about it? Or, is this more of a “sex can mean a lot more to a person with emotions along these lines” type of message? Because I can get that and I actually commend you either way that this was meant to be taken because it was a guy in this situation, not a girl, and I feel that the emotional part of this is usually based around a female.
Sorry for the lengthiness… And I quite like your Seinfeld reference above (or below, depending on where this posts to, lol).
Nothing that complicated, just trying to show that relationships cannot fix the problem of depression by themselves, and will often settle into an unfulfilling situation if this basic fact isn’t acknowledged. I myself went through a string of relationships before I figured this out.
I think I figured this one out pretty early. I’m nearing 30 years old and have only had one relationship in my life. I’ve dated plenty, but I always realize before it goes anywhere that I’m too neurotic to add relationship stress into the mix. Which is also likely my own self-sabotage, making sure I’ll die alone… *sigh*
well my gf DOES help it a little for me………
Depression in men can be shown through countless random one night stands. As well as alcoholism.
on my list to do before i die …. by my own hand is to die a virgin … sex is pointless
The origin of Broken Heart Comix?