Happy Birthday DepCom! You’re as old as my son! Here’s to him hopefully (fingers crossed) never needing you, and to you still being here when(if) he does.
Congratulations on both the anniversary and the recognition, that’s pretty awesome. Your comics are very relatable and have helped a lot of us to feel seen.
You’ve done good work for ten years, and I think these comics have helped a lot of people, if only to show them that they’re not alone. Thank you for Depression Comix, and your other fine works. ☮️
Congratulations on ten years of DepCom. You’ve found creative ways to express many thoughts and feelings I had when I was depressed, some of which I had buried. It’s good to dig them up and examine them more objectively now. It helps me appreciate how much better my life has become.
Congrats on the anniversary. I only wish I had discovered this wonderful webcomic earlier than late last year, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so alone during some of the darkest times in my life.
The fact you about to post the 500 comic soon makes me both proud and glad for you but sad that so many people will not go back and start with comic 001 and read them all. Reading backwards from 500 makes it confusing as you know more about the characters than what may have been known at that time. Even if they Jump in 200 comics back, they will miss so many good comics that expressed emotions and feelings were words often fail.
Congrats on making is there far and helping so many people. We’ll never know the number print out and left on counters from people to communicate with their parents and/or partners what is going on.
Congrads on the anniversary!
Fuck yeah!
And thank you for continuing to create this! Congratulations for 10 years!
For anyone wanting to see depcom #122 which was published in a book, here’s a link for you: https://www.depressioncomix.com/posts/122/
How have I never noticed the eye wrinkle thing, oh my god
Time reread from the beginning ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Thanks for posting so much worthwhile content. Congratulations on Ten Years!
thank you for all the work and effort you put into these comics, please keep them arriving!
Happy Birthday DepCom! You’re as old as my son! Here’s to him hopefully (fingers crossed) never needing you, and to you still being here when(if) he does.
Congratulations on both the anniversary and the recognition, that’s pretty awesome. Your comics are very relatable and have helped a lot of us to feel seen.
Thank you for 10 amazing years of wonderful comics! 🙂
You’ve done good work for ten years, and I think these comics have helped a lot of people, if only to show them that they’re not alone. Thank you for Depression Comix, and your other fine works. ☮️
It’s been nine years since I’ve started reading Depcom lol.
Congratulations on ten years of DepCom. You’ve found creative ways to express many thoughts and feelings I had when I was depressed, some of which I had buried. It’s good to dig them up and examine them more objectively now. It helps me appreciate how much better my life has become.
I read faithfully for a few years but fell off the updates after uni. Happy to be back and hears to 10 more years of whatever makes you happy.
Congrats on the anniversary. I only wish I had discovered this wonderful webcomic earlier than late last year, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so alone during some of the darkest times in my life.
Keep up the good work 🙂
The fact you about to post the 500 comic soon makes me both proud and glad for you but sad that so many people will not go back and start with comic 001 and read them all. Reading backwards from 500 makes it confusing as you know more about the characters than what may have been known at that time. Even if they Jump in 200 comics back, they will miss so many good comics that expressed emotions and feelings were words often fail.
Congrats on making is there far and helping so many people. We’ll never know the number print out and left on counters from people to communicate with their parents and/or partners what is going on.